

英 ['lætərəlz]
美 ['lætərəlz]


  • n.

    位于侧面的东西(如侧枝)( lateral的名词复数 );

  • 英英释义


    • n.a pass to a receiver upfield from the passer

      同义词:lateral pass

    • adj.
      • situated at or extending to the side

        "the lateral branches of a tree"


      • lying away from the median and sagittal plane of a body

        "lateral lemniscus"



    lateral displacement横向位移,侧向位移;侧方移位

    lateral pressure侧压;旁压力

    lateral stiffness横向刚性,横向刚度

    lateral load横向荷载,横向负荷;冲力

    lateral force侧向力

    lateral movement横向运动

    amyotrophic lateral sclerosis肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症

    lateral ventricle侧脑室

    lateral direction横向

    lateral stability横向稳定性,侧向稳定性;横稳性,侧稳度

    lateral acceleration侧向加速度;横向加速率

    lateral earth pressure水平土压;横向土压力;侧向土压力

    lateral flow侧流;横向流

    lateral position侧卧位

    lateral deflection[电]旁向偏转

    lateral thinking横向思维;水平思考

    lateral bending横向弯曲;侧向弯曲

    lateral resolution横向分辨率

    lateral line支线,侧线

    lateral support横向支承



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